Regrettably, I am not one of these fabled 10,000 men residing among Singapore's 5.6m population.
I am however, one of many Singaporeans, who aspire and are committed towards a life long strong and healthy body. CPF Life is pointless if you end up donating it all towards your hospital bills for heart disease or diabetes upon reaching 65 or 70.
Please consult your doctor before attempting any physical regiment and the associated activities. Don't hurt or endanger yourself needlessly. Remember, safety first!
The workout below excludes warming up activities such as stretching. It is purely for sharing purposes, and is intended for me, myself, and I.
Day 1 = 50 Push Ups & Sit Ups
Day 2 = 25 Pull Ups
Day 3 = 25 Dips
Day 4 = 20 Pistol Squats & Sit Ups
Day 5 = 2.4 km Jog & 400 m Sprint
I also avoid sugary drinks like the plague and drink plenty of water all day. My regular supplements are protein, spirulina, and yakult.
Breakfast = Banana & Oats
Lunch = Chicken, Broccoli & Rice
Dinner = Fish, Broccoli & Rice
Just to make things clear, this isn't an Adonis Transformation Plan.
Unlocking that achievement requires a nutritionist, a disciplined meal plan, a gym membership, and a personal trainer. A commitment that is not sustainable with a newborn in the house.
It should however, lead to a reasonably developed upper torso, stronger core, functionally flexible hip, firmer thighs and glutes, acceptable stamina, and healthy blood glucose levels.
Most importantly, it is a ritual which gives me confidence that it can be maintained even at 65.
What is your fitness ritual for 2019?
1. https://www.singstat.gov.sg/find-data/search-by-theme/population/population-and-population-structure/latest-data
2. https://www.msf.gov.sg/research-and-data/Research-and-Statistics/Pages/Singapore-Demographic-Sex-Ratio-Males-to-Females.aspx
3. https://www.moh.gov.sg/resources-statistics/singapore-health-facts/principal-causes-of-death
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