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The Rojak Lifestyle

Ramblings of A Married Singaporean Couple

You might lose your job in 2030, but still afford Universal Basic Entertainment.


The cost of preventing riots and revolutions is about $1,000 per citizen per year (in today's dollars).


2020 = 5.0B Mobile Phones

2020 = 7.8B Earth Population


2030 = 0.8B Jobs replaced by Robots

2030 = 8.5B Earth Population

Globally, about 70% of the population is employed. If that remains constant, and that's a big IF, in 2030 the number of jobs available for humans would reduce by 13%. In other words, 1/10 of us right now, would be replaced by robot automation. Did you catch that? It's less than 10 years away.

With the exception of certain services that might, I repeat might, require the human touch, robots, powered by AI, will displace a tremendous number of human jobs at an accelerating pace from 2030.

You can bet your child's future, most developed governments are grasping in the dark, of how to cope with that eventuality. Hence the idea of a universal basic income. However, we all know it will not stem an angry mob uprising against robots. Men and women alike, require more then food and drink. Entertainment is key!

As a helpful citizen for a dystopian future, I have made my recommendation for a Universal Basic Entertainment (UBE) mobile only package.

All that's missing, is for the cost of UBE, to be borne by the government. Presumably, that should take place once the number of unemployed citizens, is on par with the number of employed citizens.

The future is here. Did all your dreams come true?

Perhaps this is why the Singapore government introduced the Singapore Savings Bond. For a $1,000 per year, it would require an investment of $50,000 (assuming 2% payout).

Also, since each Singapore citizen is capped at $200,000, perhaps the Singapore government is sending a message? You only need a maximum of $4,000 a year to sustain your Entertainment package? LOL. Joking. No way right?


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